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Small Biz Tip: Businesses to Start Now: Technology

Tips from February 22, 2010 The Small Business tips today discuss businesses in the technology industry to start NOW! Smartphone Apps: iPhone, Blackberry, Droid, and Google Phones, these smartphones are taking the world by storm. Capitalize on the trend by designing and creating your own app. iPhones alone have over a billion downloads, and thousands of apps.  Software as a Service (SaaS): With small businesses looking to save money, start your own SaaS business today. SaaS deploys software applications across your business so you don't need separate licenses for each computer. Education Technology: With the stimulus bill, many schools are receiving new state of the art education tools. One of the most popular are "smart boards" which are interactive white boards. Create new interactive programs, or handle distribution of various education technologies. Website Design: Every business needs a website to establish their web... [Read Full Article]

Transformation Ahead for SBA

Government and Economy New SBA Chief Could Deliver Real Change Karen Mills, President Obama's choice to run the Small Business Administration, could transform the agency's approach to funding. Greenwashing in Washington With Democrats emphasizing the environment in their economic recovery plan, environmental groups are saying that greenwashing—the marketing of products as green even if they really aren’t—has moved from being an advertising ploy to a lobbying tool. [Read Full Article]

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