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Stay in Business by Staying True to Your Vision

  Government, Politics and the Economy Recession Watch: Leading Indicators Rise The index of US leading economic indicators rose in June for a third consecutive month, reinforcing other signs that the economy may be emerging from the worst recession in five decades. Management and Operations Stay With Your Vision or Maybe Lose Your Business The fall of Dial-a-Matress shows how overexpansion, bringing in executives who don't understand the corporate culture and straying from your vision can all work to kill a company. [Read Full Article]

Does The Small Business Majority Represent You? Don't Bet on It!

  Government, Politics and the Economy Does The Small Business Majority Represent You? Don't Bet on It! They conduct polls and claim to represent all small business by not representing any particular small business. Who are they and what are they all about? We have some answers. Obama's Health, Energy Legislation Facing Democrats' Questionable Support The fates of President Obama's top two priorities: extending health coverage to the uninsured and reducing greenhouse gases, rest in the hands of a group of pivotal Democratic senators, and so far they don't seem convinced. Management and... [Read Full Article]

Emergency SBA Loans to be Available in June

  Government and Economy Emergency SBA Loans to be Available in June According to the SBA, a new emergency loan program to help struggling-but-viable small businesses will be open for applications in mid-June. Merced County: Desperate for Small Business With a staggering 22% unemployment rate and ranking Number Two in the nation in foreclosures, Merced County in California is now pinning its economic hopes on small business. [Read Full Article]

Obama: Trying to Clear the Economic Wreckage

  Government and Economy Obama: Working to Clear the Economic Wreckage President Obama tried to reassure Americans during his Wednesday evening press conference that he is making real progress in dealing with the recession and improving the US image abroad. However, he urged patience in dealing with these and other issues. Taxes Coming on Digital Goods A number of states are looking to tax digital goods, yet enacting these taxes while trying encourage broadband adoption and develop a low-carbon economy sends the wrong message, according to opponents. [Read Full Article]

Hopes for Card-Check Rise With Specter's Switch to the Democrats

  Government and Economy Specter's Party Switch Raises Hopes for Card Check Senator Arlen Specter claims that his move to the Democrat Party will not change his vote when it comes to the union-organizing legislation, but a compromise that could allow the bill to slide through may now be easier. House Leader Pushes for Mileage Tax Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, wants Congress to enact a mileage-based tax on cars and trucks to pay for highway programs now, rather than wait the results of a pilot program, to make up f... [Read Full Article]

Does Obama Understand Small Business? Most Entrepreneurs Say 'No.'

  Government and Economy Small Business: Obama Just Doesn't Understand Us According to a survey by City Business Journals Network, nearly 60% of small business owners think the Obama administration doesn’t understand small business while better than 40% are less optimistic about the national economy than they were when President Barack Obama took office. Venture Capitalists: Don't Treat Us Like Hedge Funds Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner wants to see venture capitalists, hedge funds and private equity firms registered with the SEC and subject to disclosure requireme... [Read Full Article]

Small Business May be Exempted From Card Check Rules

  Government and Economy Can Small Businesses be Exempted from Card Check Unionization? While small business groups are readying their opposition to new card check legislation, many are hopeful that after compromise negotiations in Congress, small business will be exempt. Local Economies Seeking Their Own Stimulus Cities, counties and states across the nation are launching home-grown economic-stimulus plans aimed at spurring local spending and keeping small businesses afloat during the recession. [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Cries Foul on Obama Tax Hikes

  Government and Economy Small Business Cries Foul on Tax Hikes Small business owners and their Washington advocates are coming out against President Obama’s plan to raise income tax rates for America’s wealthiest in 2011, calling it is an ill-timed attack on small businesses that will stymie job growth. Card Check Far From Decided Both sides argue it’s a matter of fairness. According to Labor, the secret-ballot system invites employer intimidation. For the employers, an open card check system means more union pressure on their employees. Both sides are gearing up for a fight. ... [Read Full Article]

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