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Transformation Ahead for SBA

Government and Economy

New SBA Chief Could Deliver Real Change

Karen Mills, President Obama's choice to run the Small Business Administration, could transform the agency's approach to funding.

Greenwashing in Washington

With Democrats emphasizing the environment in their economic recovery plan, environmental groups are saying that greenwashing—the marketing of products as green even if they really aren’t—has moved from being an advertising ploy to a lobbying tool.

Geithner Apologizes for Not Paying Taxes

Treasury Secretary-designate Tim Geithner says his failure to pay $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes was careless, declaring, "I have paid what I owed" and apologizing to Congress.

Management and Financial Issues

Is Debt Always Bad for Business?

While it's true that unmanaged debt can easily get out of control; debt that is chosen carefully, and for the right reasons, can allow you to take seize opportunities that you'd otherwise have to pass up.

Finding the Right Legal Structure for Your Business

There are many issues to deal with in choosing the right business entity, but it is always good to prioritize liability issues over tax issues first and go from there.

Technology Issues

Using LinkedIn as a Small Business Owner

LinkedIn, a recent online success story, is used to help people manage and make connections with other people. It is easy to use, provides a helpful breadth of information and is growing in use as a tool for small business.

Websites? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Websites!

Even in the Digital Age, there are many small businesses that may not actually need to invest the time and money it takes to launch and maintain a full-blown website of there own.

Software as a Service: Beware the Hype

Time to dispel a few popular myths: SaaS, or on-demand software, isn't cheap, and your data aren't secure.

Benefits and Labor Issues

Can Small Business Thwart Terrorism?

Awareness, alertness, and vigilance by businesspeople who deal with the public all day can make all the difference between a successful terrorist attack and a thwarted one. Here is how one small business employee helped to spoil a terrorist attack.

Even the Toughest Go to the Doctor
Why health care costs will spike during a recession, and what employers can do about it.

Business' New Attack on Card-check

Business lobbyists have opened up a new line of attack against labor’s No. 1 legislative priority, the upcoming Card-check bill.

Sales and Marketing

Social Contracts
When you start a social campaign with a genuine, consumer-centric offer, all roads lead (eventually) to success.

New Tips and Tricks for Launching a Redesigned Site
Updated tips for mitigating errors and search engine visibility when launching a redesigned site.

Budget-Conscious Advertising

Strategic marketing can bring in the traffic without costing you a fortune.

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