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Fueling the Small Business Boom: A Rise in Startup Registrations

A Record High of 5.4 Million Startup Registrations in 2021, and a 42% Increase in New Business Applications in 2022. Uncover the Factors Driving Entrepreneurial Growth and the Opportunities Awaiting Aspiring Business Owners. [Read Full Article]

What Health Care Reform Means for Your Business

ABC Online and On Your Side Check out our NEW EZlocal Premium listing! Receive a featured listing on, enhanced business profile, top search engine submission, and local SEO consultation to get your business found online with our new EZlocal Premium. Are you listed yet?Health Care ReformWhat Health Care Reform Means for Your BusinessThe sweeping health-care bill passed by the House of Representatives Sunday, and now headed for President Obama's desk, promises a sea change in the way that small business owners purchase and provide health insurance for themselves and their employees. CNNmoney.comHealth Care Reform [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Blogs: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Tips from March 18, 2010 The Small Business tips today discuss SEO (search engine optimization) for blogs. Keep your content fresh. The easiest tip for SEO is to have great content that will get you found without much promoting. The quality of your work and original content will get you found on the top search engines. Keywords - Important words that people will search for search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, or Bing, are important when creating your blog post. Keywords should be in your title, subtitle, URL, and tags. Posting links to your blog in outside sources provides links back to your website. Unfortunately, this could also be labeled as spam if done incorrectly. Keep posting your blogs on comments to other blogs in your industry, or those that you know personally and professionally. Don't get too carried away, you could ruin your reputation. Social media provides a great way to provide a link for others outside your... [Read Full Article]

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