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A Small Business Cinderella Story

In the modern business landscape, the power of digital and social media marketing becomes increasingly clear each year. As companies have realized this, businesses big and small alike have been putting an ever growing focus and budget on digital and social media marketing. 

However, just like any other form of marketing, it can often take time and many attempts of trial and error to start seeing the fruits of your labor. This makes it easy to forget just how much one viral post or campaign can impact your business. In an article published by The Associated Press, they highlight multiple stories of small businesses that grew into overnight Cinderella stories by a post going viral.

Every small business owner dreams of something like this happening to their business but to Nicholas Heller, the current owner of the Lexington Candy Shop in New York City, it quickly became his reality. 

Founded in 1925, Lexington Candy Shop was used to doing things the old fashioned way. They describe themselves on their website as “New York City’s only reminder of a bygone era when soda fountains and luncheonettes were fixtures in every neighborhood throughout New York”.

However, when a TikTok and Instagram influencer by the name of New York Nico stopped by his business for his signature Coke Float and made a post about the drink, he unknowingly unaltered the future of Lexington Candy Shop forever.

New York Nico’s post quickly went viral, receiving almost 5 million likes. Lexington Candy Shop went from an old-school small business preserving a rich part of New York History to an overnight sensation. The next day after the post, lines started forming outside the shop as soon as eight in the morning. These lines haven’t stopped since Lexington Candy Shop went viral, and has translated to lasting change for the business.

The ability for digital marketing and posts to go viral and get your business seen is one of the many ways focusing on digital and social media marketing can help your small business succeed, and is why we believe in the ability our services provide to assist you in growth for your company.

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