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What Health Care Reform Means for Your Business

ABC Online and On Your Side Check out our NEW EZlocal Premium listing! Receive a featured listing on, enhanced business profile, top search engine submission, and local SEO consultation to get your business found online with our new EZlocal Premium. Are you listed yet?Health Care ReformWhat Health Care Reform Means for Your BusinessThe sweeping health-care bill passed by the House of Representatives Sunday, and now headed for President Obama's desk, promises a sea change in the way that small business owners purchase and provide health insurance for themselves and their employees. CNNmoney.comHealth Care Reform [Read Full Article]

Mills to Head SBA, Agency Gets More Lender Oversight

Government and Economy Karen G. Mills to Head SBA Venture capitalist Karen Gordon Mills is President-elect Barack Obama's pick to head the Small Business Administration. Kennedy Pushes Healthcare Reform Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, 76, who is battling cancer, has focused his team on developing a comprehensive health care plan and getting it ready for President-elect Barack Obama soon after he takes office. SBA Announces... [Read Full Article]

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