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Main Street Frustration: 'Everything is Going to Banks'

Government and PoliticsWhat Obama Said About Small BusinessA short but prominent section of President Obama’s State of the Union focused on helping small businesses to create jobs. Here’s a look at what he said and what it means. BusinessWeek.comGovernment and PoliticsGlobal Workforce Report on Emerging Markets: The Backshoring MythDespite media hype about the recession driving jobs back to the U.S., the business case for outsourcing to the emerging markets remains overwhelming. Workforce.comGovernment and Politics [Read Full Article]

Consumers Do Homework Before Buying This Holiday Season

Government, Politics, and the Economy Is It Too Early to Start Thinking About a Rebound? It may not feel like it yet in your town or in your industry, but there are indications that things are getting better. NYtimes.comManagement and OperationsHow to Not Go Out of BusinessStart by studying how your best customers interact with your brand and its competitors, then brainstorm ways to address any shortcomings. Management and Operations [Read Full Article]

Break Bad Habits, Make More Money

Government, Politics, and the Economy U.S. Chain Sales up 0.1 Percent in September Chain sales increased in the United States for  the first time in 14 months, according to ICSC. ManageSmarter.comManagement and OperationsDealing With Demanding Customers We all experience it, customers who are over-demanding. Figure out how to deal with these customers and still show respect. Management and Operations [Read Full Article]

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