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Main Street Frustration: 'Everything is Going to Banks'

Government and PoliticsWhat Obama Said About Small BusinessA short but prominent section of President Obama’s State of the Union focused on helping small businesses to create jobs. Here’s a look at what he said and what it means. BusinessWeek.comGovernment and PoliticsGlobal Workforce Report on Emerging Markets: The Backshoring MythDespite media hype about the recession driving jobs back to the U.S., the business case for outsourcing to the emerging markets remains overwhelming. Workforce.comGovernment and Politics [Read Full Article]

The Myth of “Green” Jobs

I am a sportsman. I spend a lot of time out in the forests and plains, and like all sportsmen—hunters, fishermen—I care deeply about the environment (hunters have done more to preserve our wilderness than any other group), so when I hear about the US going green, I take notice. President Obama has been talking about a green future for America ever since the election; a future where sustainable technology, renewable energy, plenty of great jobs with high pay and generous benefits would be the rule and not the exception. His rhetoric leads one to believe that the rising green tide will raise all of our boats and that we are about to enter a utopian era of eco-happiness. A Couple of Questions about Green Jobs I have a question: What, exactly, is a “green job”? I mean, unless you have a company that specifically creates eco-friendly products in an eco-friendly way, or you work in... [Read Full Article]

Summer Jobs, Small Business and Community

Small business is, if nothing else, all about community. The community supports it with trade and as a source of employees, its tax revenues go back to the community and its support and sponsorship goes to community organizations and activities. Let’s face it, as small business goes, so goes the community that surrounds it. Knowing this, it seems obvious that for summer employment, small businesses would be a great place for young people to get their start. After all, these are the future employees, customers, suppliers and so on in their communities—as long as the community cares enough to want them to stay. The Problem of Teen Unemployment The figures for teen joblessness, especially among inner city teens, are terrible. By May of this year, the overall unemployment rate for teens was 18.7%, which is bad enough; but for black, inner city teens that figure jumps to an astounding 85%! Is it any wonder that places like that are in such bad shape? What makes th... [Read Full Article]

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