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Obama Takes Health-Care Pitch to the Young

Government, Politics, and the Economy U.S. Stocks Advance, Extending Global Rally, as Dollar Weakens The global rally is predicted to stick around, as the dollar fell, while oil and copper advanced and Treasuries were little changed. Bloomberg.comManagement and OperationsTen Tips to Help Create More Time in Your DayHave a problem with time management? Learn how to earn the most out of your time, and even add more time to your day to get more accomplished. Management and Operations [Read Full Article]

Entrepreneurs on Obama

  Government, Politics and the Economy Entrepreneurs on Obama According to a new survey, entrepreneurs are willing to give the President time to fix the economy, but many have serious questions about the wisdom of his policies. Ownership, Management and Operations 12 Steps to Upgrade Your Business To grow, for your business needs needs to evolve, you need to be able to see where things can be improved and address those areas. Here are a dozen things you can do today to make that happen. [Read Full Article]

Small Business Brief for 10/31

Politics and Economics SBE Revises its Presidential Candidates' Issue Grid The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council has updated its Presidential Candidates' Issue Grid to offer a clearer picture of where Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain stand on issues important to small business. SBE Council Raising Taxes is Not Smart Economics: The Economy Needs as Much Capital as It Can Get The last thing our economy needs right now is for the government to be taking more capital from the private sector and out of our economy. Really, raising taxes is not a smart move – on anyone, or any business. There is no justification for siphoning more money out of our troubled, capital-deprived economy – period! [Read Full Article]

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