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Small Biz Tip: Holiday Marketing: Email Marketing

Tips from November 10, 2009 The Small Business tips today will be about email marketing around the holidays. Include holiday greetings and designed themes in your email marketing. This can help set a certain tone if that's what you're looking to do. Don't blow-up subscriber inboxes with additional holiday email promotions. Instead substitute a standard email with the holiday one. Your subject line should include holiday phrases and special deals to entice people to open the email. Keep emails informative without spamming. Put direct links to holiday-branded landing pages instead of a link to your homepage. Daily Overview: Don't be a Scrooge. Make email marketing over the holidays fun, informative and unique. [Read Full Article]

How to Write an Engaging Subject Line

How to Write an Engaging Subject Line Email newsletters or email marketing campaigns contain important messages, tips, savings, and more for your subscribed readers. The information inside the email is important to them, but without a compelling subject line, your subscribers may never open it. Email subject lines are just as important, if not more, than the rest of the information in the email. The subject line's main purpose is to get someone to open the email. Take these tips into consideration when writing your next compelling subject line for your email.Even before writing the body of an email, it is essential to begin to think of the subject line for the email. Although it is not the bulk of what you want your subscribers to read, it is what they will read first and makes them decide if they will continue reading. You must think thoroughly and objectively about your subject line.Take a look at the newspaper. The headlines are made to grab atten... [Read Full Article]

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