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Need to Teach Employees How to Break Out of Jail?

Management and Operations“Enlightened” Profit. A Better Way To Build A Business.Values are the key to building value. More and more of today’s CEO’s now see a three tiered metric of profit as essential to building a strong and sustainable company. TheWisdomGuy.comManagement and OperationsWhen Bad Things Happen to Good Business Owners and EntrepreneursStuff happens. As a business owner and entrepreneur, the more successful you become, the more you open yourself up to criticism, negative feedback or just plain being attacked. Management and Operations [Read Full Article]

What Are Small Businesses Afraid Of?

Government, Politics, and the EconomyInflation Will Accelerate Next Decade, Economists Say According to a poll taken by the National Association for Business Economics, the Federal Reserve cannot prevent the trillions of dollars from the stimulus package from inflation over the next decade, rising an average of 3% per year from 2014 through 2018. Bloomberg.comGovernment, Politics, and the Economy What's North Dakota Doing Right? As the rest of the nation painfully struggles with balancing the budget and rising unemployment, the state of North... [Read Full Article]

Is There a Small Business Bailout in the Works?

  Government, Politics and the Economy Will Small Business Get a Bailout Afterall? The Obama Administration is considering a plan to use money from the $700 billion TARP program assist millions of small businesses, which officials now say are essential to any economic recovery because they employ so many people. Employment Legislation: Two Ways to Get it DoneThere are two bills making their way through Congress, and they illustrate the starkly different ways that important employment-related legislation is created in Washington. Management and Operations [Read Full Article]

Driving Sales through Web Content

If you run a small business, there is a good chance that you have something important to say to your buyers. Whether it's about your products or services, best practices, or even shopping tips, there are opportunities on the Web to not only help your customers make better buying decisions but also for you to earn additional credibility that could directly lead to future sales. Online content, in all of its various forms, is causing marketing and PR to come together in ways that don't really exist offline. Unfortunately, many small and independent business owners have the misconception that online content such as blogs and news releases are only useful tools for large companies and Web-based firms. The roughly 10% of small brick and mortar shops that do venture online to promote themselves are perhaps on the right path. When your buyer is searching on the Web for something, content is the same regardless of how its dressed u... [Read Full Article]

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