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Small Biz Tip: Common Mistakes: Social Media

Tips from February 3, 2010 The Small Business tips today discuss common social media mistakes. Incomplete Profile: People won't know who you are or be able to find things in common to make a connection or network. Fake Friending/Following: One way relationships on social media is an awful way to network. Create a two way relationship with REAL people that you want to get to know.  Selling by Spamming: Bombarding your business pushes customers away. No relationship? No clients. Connect first, promote later. Lack of Measurement: You need to measure so your business doesn't put time & energy in campaigns that are failing. Daily Overview: Creating one way relationships is the biggest mistake businesses in social media make. Avoid this by an active profile, creating two way relationships, and gauging what works. [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Networking: Social Media

Tips originally posted on October 30, 2009 The Small Business tips take a little of the shared wisdom from the 140 Characters Conference and will show you how to network with social media. Social media requires you to be social. Be human and relatable. Talk to me like I'm your sister. It's like an instant state of relaxation. Try not to over complicate things. Just use common sense in your networking approach. One step back can take you two steps forward in the medium. You should do dinner and a movie before you ask for a kiss. Basically that means to establish the relationship before you ask them to do something. Everything isn't always about you. Your network probably has more to offer you than you do to them. Letting them feel that way will help you in the end. Daily Overview... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Media Coverage: How to get more media through media

Tips from August 21, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss Media Coverage: How to get more media through media Keep your relationship strong with a journalist so they know that if your industry or topic of interest comes up again they can contact you for another story. If you have an article published be active on sending the articles out to nationwide publications. Newspapers are often more interested on reporting on recent news. You are an expert in your industry to don't be shy; let the journalist or publication know you are available as a source. Getting your name or your businesses name attached to quotes is positive even if the story is not all about you. Write a feature article on something in your industry. If your article is well written you may even be published which will show the viewers you are an expert and they should come in to your business.  Daily Overview: Get more media through medi... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Media Coverage: What to provide journalist with

Tips from August 20, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss Media Coverage: What to provide journalist with: Press release or a 1-2 page media advisory that includes the details of your story, event, or new product/service. Strong headline that represents the most interesting points of your news article. Choose strong key words that are common but intriguing. Fact sheet that provides a list of all of the facts of your story, event, product. This will make it easy for a journalist to decide what they want to use in the story. Quotes from you, your employees, or a person related to your story. List the contact information for each person in case the journalist would like to ask further questions.  Daily Overview: Provide journalist with a press release/media advisory, a headline, fact sheet, and supporting quotes. [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Media Coverage: Building a Media Relationship

Tips from August 19, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss Media Coverage: Building a Media Relationship Read the publications: find the journalist who would relate most to your business. Get to know them by reading their past and present articles. Call the journalist: they are always looking for news, so introduce yourself and find a common topic (i.e. the articles you have read of theirs). They receive e-mails all day so a phone conversation makes it more personal. Create trust: never lie or fabricate facts. You will lose their trust and end a relationship. Be honest, they see what is newsworthy and it might be the struggles you are having. They will help you if you are honest. Communication: remember that journalists have questions with deadlines. Once you have contact with a journalist keep the contact by making them a priority. Answer them promptly, be available to them, and provide them with all the information they... [Read Full Article]

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