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Information and Facts about San Francisco

San Francisco is located on the northwest coast of California, sitting on the northern end of the San Francisco Peninsula. Boasting a population of 808,976 (as of 2008), San Francisco is California's fourth most populous city and the 12-largest city in the United States. San Francisco encompasses a land area of only 46.7 square miles, which makes it the second-most densly populated large city in the United States. San Francisco is a consolidated city-county, which happens when a city and county have been merged into one unified jurisdiction.

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05/13 05/14 05/15
58°/52° 62°/51° 62°/52°
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Local Businesses

Thellen Levy Attorney

San Francisco, CA 94146
(415) 282-9640

Tastees Condoms

San Francisco, CA 94147
(888) 852-2833

AJ's Eardrops

San Francisco, CA 94177
(678) 372-2782

Lasco International Group

San Francisco, CA 94147
(415) 668-3770

Immendorf & Co Investigations

San Francisco, CA 94147
(415) 776-7777

Solarbuzz Inc

San Francisco, CA 94147
(415) 928-9743


San Francisco, CA 94125
(650) 821-6050

L&W Supply

San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 282-0711

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